
Showing posts from March, 2018

Mass Wasting Hazards

According to Owlcation, mass wasting is the geologic term used to describe the natural downward movement of landforms  due to gravity. Mass wasting hazards can ranged from earth flows, landslides, mud and debris flow to rockslides and slumps. The country of Thailand to be particular is quite familiar with landslides. Due to the heavy amount of rainfall in Thailand landslides happen quite often. In the year of 2017 Thailand's National Disaster Warning Center announced the completion of a trial for a system that identifies areas where there is danger of a landslide occurring. This is just one of the things the country is trying to prevent from mass wasting hazards. Destruction as the picture above demonstrates is the reason as to why Thailand is trying to prevent hazards such as this one, also the destructions of roads is why matters are taking into affect.